When looking for great examples of descriptive writing from novels there are really just a few places you can turn to that you can absolutely trust. Of course, you’re bound to hear about dozens more, and while they may seem creative and tempting to check, you shouldn’t spend valuable time on these as they are often dead ends. Here are the top five places to search:
The most efficient way of getting great samples for this kind of assignment is going straight to the professionals. We know that a lot of students are hesitant to hire an expert to do their work for them, but remember that learning from a well-written example is one of the best ways to improve one’s own writing.
If you’ve ever been on an online community space such as a chatroom or discussion forum then you already know the benefits of being able to connect with thousands of people from around the globe. Post a request to see a sample of descriptive writing from novels and you should dozens of responses within minutes.
Another great place to check out is an academic resource site, especially one that focuses on academic composition. There should be dozens of resources you can download for free. You may also be able to submit a question and receive one-on-one support from site volunteers who are on call to answer students’ questions.
Visit your school library to check out the thousands of academic resources available to you. If you don’t know where to start your search speak with a reference librarian. He should direct you to journals with plenty of good sample pieces of descriptive passages taken from novels to help with your assignment.
Lastly, don’t forget to speak with your professor whenever you are in need of samples for assignments about which you aren’t entirely sure. Rather than have you get started on the wrong foot an instructor will want to give you the resources you need to successfully complete the assignment, whatever it may be.
Of course you can try any of a number of places, but as mentioned earlier anything outside of these trustworthy suggestions might be a waste of time. And as a student you probably already know that you can use all the spare time you can get to better use.